YourSquash Junior Open results

Players from all over the north of England headed for Carlisle Squash Club on August Bank Holiday weekend for the YourSquash Open 2013.

Some of the country’s top players competed for honours in the competition which seen also seen several Cumbrian sucesses.

On the Thursday and Friday before the competition the club hosted a two-day camp again attracting some top young players.

County coach Paul Bell organised the competition and camp, he said: “We had a two day camp with players travelling from all over north England, this once again showed that squash training at Carlisle Squash Club is one of the premier venues in the north to develop your game.”

Result (Cumbrians in CAPITALS):

Under 11 BoysDaniel NeilBen Coupe
Under 15 GirlsLucinda CrossJORDAN CORLETT
Under 15 BoysCarlton OldhamBEN CROSS
Under 17 GirlsGeorgia WebsterLaura Neil
Under 17 BoysDANIEL HARRISONAlex Robertson

Cumbrian players will now be preparing for the junior county championships at the end of September. Entry forms available on the homepage.