England Squash coaching awards now open

England Squash & Racketball are delighted to announce that nominations for the 2014/15 ESR Coaching and Volunteer Awards are officially open. This year, in recognition of the unbelievable support that volunteers provide to our sport(s) we have also included the additional category of National Volunteer of the Year.

There have been some subtle changes to this year’s nomination form and we hope we have made the process more user friendly. With the changes we have made it should take you less than 5 minutes to submit your nomination and if you think there’s someone deserving of an award at your club or venue then we look forward to hearing from you!

Nominations close on Monday 2nd February and the winners will be presented with their awards on semi-finals day of the 2015 National Squash Championships in Manchester.

Absolutely anyone can make a nomination, so make sure you don’t miss the chance to recognise that special coach or volunteer that has helped a player or team progress, or has been crucial to the development of a club or county.

The six categories that are open for nominations are as follows;

Young Coach of the Year 2014 – This award recognises the important work carried out by an up-and-coming squash and/or racketball coach through his or her achievements to date.

Club Coach of the Year 2014 – This award recognises the achievements of a coach in developing and delivering a varied club coaching and playing programme that engages with new and existing members.

Participation Coach of the Year 2014 – This award recognises the outstanding contribution of a coach in getting more people starting, staying and/or succeeding in squash and/or racketball through high-quality coaching and playing programmes

Elite Coach of the Year 2014 – This award recognises the achievements of a coach working with players at the highest level of performance in Squash

Special Recognition Award 2014 – This award will be presented to an exceptional candidate to recognise his or her achievements through a lifetime dedicated to squash and/or racketball

National Volunteer Award 2014 – This award recognises a volunteer’s outstanding contribution to the organisation, development and implementation of squash and/or racketball activities

Nominations can be made by completing the ‘Nomination Form’ and emailing it to by Monday 2nd February or completing the online form through this link