AGM cancelled but annual reports available

Although we have not been able to have an AGM this year, both Tom and Chris have produced reports on the year’s activities.  Chris’s Treasurer’s report shows, as might be expected, relatively little income and expenditure (as there wasn’t much on court activity this year), with the income received being primarily from England Squash to support bounce back activity and the County Coach.  Affiliation fees were waived this year to support the clubs.

Tom’s report covered in more detail some of the support received from England Squash (often via the Regional Forum) and how they enabled us to pass funds to the clubs and coach.  Although we were not able to organise leagues and tournaments, we were still able to plan activity, and get involved with discussions about the future of clubs under threat.  We have seen the (temporary we hope) closure of Cockermouth for refurbishment, the demise of Workington Juniors and the mothballing of Whitehaven following a revamp of the leisure centre.  Tom expressed thanks to Thomas Graham (our sponsors), John Graham (for helping on the accounts), England Squash and the Regional Forum, Gavin for all his work coaching and representing us, and Windscale for being so welcoming to Whitehaven players, and so flexible around our ‘on/off’ county finals night.  

He paid special tribute to David Henderson who died this year following years of service to Cumbria Junior Squash.

The full reports can be found at